Membership & Donations

Carstairs & District AG Society Membership

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Carstairs & District Agricultural Society? Membership is easy as some contact information and an e-transfer. Please submit the form below and send a $5.00 e-transfer to the email provided.

Alternatively, if you are already a member; we likely have your contact information. Please send your $5.00 and we will take care of the rest. If you have new contact information, feel free to update it by completing the form.


Carstairs & District Agricultural Society relies on our wonderful community for support in our events. All our events have various costs and we thank our local businesses and individual supporters who have helped make these community events possible.

If you would like to contribute to our cause, please fill out the form below and send an e-transfer for any denomination that suits you comfortably.

We truly appreciate all our support.